

Very Important!!!

Bitbooster is not a bank, does not collect your money, Bitbooster is not an online business, HYIP, investment or MLM program. Bitbooster is a community where people help each other.
There is no central account,where all the System money flows to (and where it can be easily stolen from) All the money is only on the banking accounts of the participants themselves! On a lot of thousand and million private accounts. Participants transfer each other money directly, without intermediaries! (What are they for? :-)) In fact, Bit Booster only regulates the process and nothing more..

Bits Value 1

20% for 15 Days
The Growing Rates Are 1.33 % Daily; It Means That Your Money Will Grow 20% After 15 Days.

Bits Value 2

50% for 30 Days
The Growing Rates Are 1.66 % Daily; It Means That Your Money Will Grow 50% After 30 Days.

  • You must have to make recommitment with same ( As Previous ) Or Above Amount. After you transfer 20% of the recommitment amount - you will be able to GH from previos deposit.
Note :- You can make recomittment any time after confirmation of primary order In short you can make multi provide help on same account without any term & Conditions

Direct Referral Bonus

For each new member (Direct) you have invited to the System you will get the referral bonus: (Of course, only on the condition he confirms in his PO that it is you who brought him into the System and that you are his Direct )

Manager Bonus

Once you will become a Manager you will start getting Manager Bonus. Your position hierarchy is as follows.Manager of Bit Booster Community can create their own multi-level structures and get a bonus from each help of every participant in their structures. This is a multi-level bonus, thus a Manager can have his own leader whose rank is higher. Manager’s bonus depends on his level in the Community.

Speed Bonus

When you Complete provide help before 24 hours you will get extra 2% as Speed Bonus.
When you confirm get help before 24 hours you will get extra 1% as Speed Bonus.

Task Bonus

you will be rewarded by the system by doing a simple web task daily
Normal member will be rewarded 0.5$ per and Manager will get 1$ per day by doing a simple task

Term & Conditions

  • You Can Use One Time Your E-Mail & Mobile Number For Free Joining.
  • Minimum Provide Help amount is 50 USD & Maximum 1000 USD
  • You can make multi commitments on same account.
  • Value will start to grow after making commitment.
  • First 20 % Primary Order will be Assign Within 24 Hours And Reaming 80 % Order will be assign after confirmation of Primary order As Per Demand.
  • If you have choosen Bits Value 1 you can make recomittment with any amount ( 50 USD to 1000 USD )
  • But if you choose Bits Value 2 then you must have to make recommitment with same ( As Previous ) Or Above Amount. After you transfer 20% of the recommitment amount - you will be able to GH from previos deposit.
  • If The Order Is Rejected New Help Order Will Be Provided within 48 Hours By The System.
  • Once Get help Request Is Done You Will Receive The Get help Order Of The Requested Amount Within 48 Hours.
  • In Case The Participants Does Not Received Get help From the Donor Within 48 Hours, The Donor Id Will Be Blocked. The Same Can Be Re-Opened By Proper Reasoning & Documentations Are Provided To The Admin For Approval.
Opportunity Opportunity Reviewed by Bits Booster on 00:45 Rating: 5

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